Quiz: What Is Your Energy Type?

On the threshold of each new day, we awake full of energy and readiness to conquer the world. But what is this thing called energy? Where does it come from? And how can we learn to harness our life forces to achieve incredible heights? The answers to these questions lie hidden deep within each of us, and the “What Is Your Energy Type?” quiz is a fantastic tool for self-discovery.
The Benefits of Taking the Energy Type Test
Knowing the true nature of your energy is the key to understanding yourself. When we understand where we draw our strength from, it becomes easier to wield it wisely and effectively. Proper management of our energy resources allows us to avoid burnout, remain productive for long periods, and achieve our goals.
But self-knowledge is about more than just productivity. It’s a deep dive into yourself, a search for harmony between the external and internal “me.” Perhaps when you were a child, you wondered, “But who am I, really?” This test aims to help you recapture that childlike spontaneity, to stop and truly look at yourself from the outside. Only by truly knowing your energetic essence can you build truly solid and trusting relationships with the world around you.
Remember how as children we could play alone for hours, immersed in our own imaginary worlds? How we would lie on the grass watching the clouds, transforming them into different fairytale creatures? And do you recall how we marveled at the beauty of butterflies and set off on long voyages through nearby woods and fields? We were free, unconstrained, and truly happy in our primal, pure energy. This test offers you a chance to reopen the door to that carefree time and immerse yourself in the world of your true power.
The Four Main Energy Types
In our lives, energy manifests itself through four main forms: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Understanding your dominant energy and learning to wield it correctly is the key to a happy, harmonious, and productive life.
Physical Energy
Are you someone who is constantly on the move? Do you prefer active recreation to sitting still? Physical energy is your absolute priority and main source of vitality. People of this type adore sports, dance, martial arts – anything that helps release pent-up energy. They often choose professions involving physical labor: construction workers, athletes, military personnel – as long as they can stay in shape.
They draw their energy from nature, healthy eating, and good sleep. Representatives of this type generally possess excellent health and endurance. Their negative emotions – anger, irritability – are predominantly short-lived and quickly replaced by a positive, active mood.
Emotional Energy
Your element is feelings, emotions, interpersonal interactions. You are finely attuned to the moods of those around you, able to empathize and share both joyful and sad moments with loved ones. For emotional people, family, friends, and beloved pets play a key role as the main sources of energy and inspiration.
People of this type often choose professions related to art, creativity, caring for others: artists, musicians, teachers, doctors. They are capable of creating truly beautiful things, embodying the depth of their experiences in them. They replenish their energy in the company of loved ones, through heartfelt conversations and shared activities.
Mental Energy
“Thought is the cause of everything,” says ancient wisdom. And you, possessors of mental energy, are a shining confirmation of that. Your mind is the main tool through which you explore the world around you and draw strength to move forward. People of this type can confidently be called intellectuals – they are constantly learning, reading, analyzing.
For them, it is important to continually keep the brain in shape: solving logic puzzles, learning new languages, mastering sciences and disciplines. Representatives of mental energy often choose professions related to processing and applying information: programmers, scientists, writers, teachers. Their sources of energy are books, lectures, edifying conversations.
Spiritual Energy
The last but not least important type of energy is spiritual. Those who embody it are always in harmony with themselves and the world around them. They value the simple joys of life, know how to live in the here and now without being distracted by the hustle and bustle. Spiritual people are very empathetic, able to share in the pain of others and sincerely rejoice in their successes.
Often such people choose professions related to helping practices: psychologists, healers, spiritual mentors. But their true calling is to bring light, goodness and positive change into the world. They draw energy from unity with nature, meditation, spiritual practices. Even in the smallest of things they are able to find meaning and beauty.
Compatible Energy Pairings
For example, people with physical energy will find it interesting to be with active individuals who share their tastes for sports and movement. Emotional types do well surrounding themselves with others who can feel deeply and empathize. Mental energies feel most comfortable in the company of intellectuals, where they can engage in endless edifying conversations. And for spiritual people, the main thing is to find like-minded individuals who can share their inner world and will strive toward similarly lofty goals.
But whatever your energy may be, the most important thing is to maintain balance. For we all, like yin and yang, contain within us particles of both light and dark, positive and negative. The ideal would be a person who could reunite all four energies within themselves, accept and love their different facets. Only then can we attain true harmony, inner peace and prosperity. And this quiz will serve as the first step on this exciting path to self-discovery.
How to Play?
Click the "Start Quiz" button and answer each quiz question honestly. There are no right or wrong answers. You may encounter multiple-choice questions or statements to rate on a scale of agreement. Once you finish the quiz, you'll receive results that provide insight into your personality traits, including strengths and weaknesses. Use this information to increase self-awareness and make positive changes.
How many questions does this quiz have?
13 Questions
How long does it take to complete this quiz?
3 Minutes
Questions Overview
- With a cup of coffee or energy drink
- With a yoga or exercise routine
- With meditation or affirmations
- With reviewing the day's schedule
- Go for a long hike or run
- Spend time with friends or family
- Read a book or learn something new
- Attend a spiritual retreat or practice mindfulness
- Exercise or engage in physical activity
- Talk to friends or loved ones
- Make a list or prioritize tasks
- Practice deep breathing or meditation
- Taking a nap or sleeping in
- Watching a movie or listening to music
- Solving a puzzle or playing a game
- Engaging in prayer or spiritual practices
- High-carb or high-fat meals
- Comfort foods or sweets
- Healthy, whole foods
- Plant-based or clean eating
- Participate in adventure sports or activities
- Attend a music festival or cultural event
- Visit museums or historical landmarks
- Attend a yoga or wellness retreat
- Through physical activities like dancing or sports
- Through writing or other forms of self-expression
- Through problem-solving or innovation
- Through spiritual practices or artistic expression
- Embrace it and dive right in
- Allow yourself to feel the emotions and adapt
- Analyze the situation and make a plan
- Turn to spiritual practices for guidance and support
- Upbeat or high-energy
- Melancholic or emotional
- Classical or instrumental
- Spiritual or devotional
- Seeing physical progress or results
- Emotional fulfillment or satisfaction
- Achieving intellectual or academic success
- Fulfilling a spiritual purpose or calling
- Engage in physical activity or outdoor exploration
- Reflect on personal feelings and emotions
- Engage in self-improvement or learning
- Engage in spiritual practices or meditation
- Living in the moment and taking risks
- Living with emotional intelligence and empathy
- Living with an analytical or logical mindset
- Living with a sense of purpose and meaning
- Achieving physical fitness or athletic goals
- Building strong relationships and emotional fulfillment
- Achieving intellectual or academic success
- Fulfilling spiritual purpose or alignment with higher power