Quiz: Am I Demisexual Or Not?
1. How do you feel about casual hookups?
- They're my go-to for fun on a Saturday night!
- I'm open to them, but they're not a priority.
- I don't really see the appeal.
- I actively avoid them.
2. Have you ever had a crush on someone you barely knew?
- Yes, all the time.
- Sometimes, but it's rare.
- No, I need to know someone well before I develop feelings.
- I never have crushes on strangers.
3. How important is emotional intimacy in a relationship to you?
- Not important at all.
- It's nice, but not necessary.
- It's very important to me.
- It's the most important aspect of a relationship for me.
4. How do you feel about dating apps?
- Love them!
- I've had some success with them, but they're not ideal.
- I find them frustrating and overwhelming.
- I have no interest in dating apps at all.
5. When you see an attractive person, what is your first thought?
- I want to sleep with them.
- They're attractive, but I don't feel any strong attraction.
- I wonder what they're like as a person.
- I can't feel any attraction until I get to know them better.
6. Do you often find yourself wanting to be friends with someone before being romantically interested in them?
- No, I am usually attracted to someone right away.
- Sometimes, but it's not a strong preference.
- Yes, I generally need to feel a connection before I can consider romantic feelings.
- I never have romantic feelings for someone until I've formed a strong friendship first.
7. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
- I love them!
- They're okay in moderation.
- I feel uncomfortable with them.
- I never engage in public displays of affection.
8. How important is physical attraction to you when considering a partner?
- Extremely important.
- Somewhat important, but not a dealbreaker.
- Not very important.
- Physical attraction is not a factor in my attraction to someone.
9. How important is personality to you when considering a partner?
- Not very important.
- Somewhat important, but not a dealbreaker.
- Very important.
- Personality is the most important factor in my attraction to someone.
10. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt sexual attraction towards someone but couldn't act on it because of the lack of emotional connection?
- No, that's never been an issue for me.
- I have experienced this occasionally.
- It's happened to me a few times.
- This is a common experience for me.
11. When you're attracted to someone, what is your preferred way of expressing it?
- Physical touch.
- Compliments and flirtation.
- Sharing interests and hobbies.
- Building emotional intimacy through conversation.
12. How long does it typically take for you to develop romantic feelings for someone?
- Instantly.
- A few weeks.
- Several months.
- I can't develop romantic feelings until I've known someone for a long time.
13. How important is it for you to have shared interests with a potential partner?
- Not important at all.
- It's nice, but not necessary.
- It's somewhat important.
- It's very important to me.
14. When getting to know someone, what is your preferred way of spending time together?
- Going on exciting adventures.
- Trying new foods or drinks.
- Watching movies or TV shows.
- Having deep conversations.
15. Have you ever had a strong emotional connection with someone without any physical attraction?
- No, that's never happened to me.
- It's happened once or twice.
- It's happened a few times.
- This is a common experience for me.