Quiz: Which Family Guy Character Are You?

There are two types of people: those who admit they sometimes act like a Family Guy character, and those who lie. Seriously, haven’t you ever caught yourself thinking that your latest brilliant idea suspiciously resembles Stewie’s plan for world domination? Or that your morning grumbling about modern art is pure Brian Griffin?
What is “Family Guy”?
Family Guy isn’t just an animated series; it’s a cultural phenomenon that began back in 1999 on Fox. The show’s creator, Seth MacFarlane, originally drew the characters for student animation films, never suspecting that his brainchild would one day become one of the most influential animated series in television history.
The action takes place in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island – a place where reality is so mixed with absurdity that even the local residents can no longer tell one from the other. Here, a person whose entire election campaign consists of old adult film footage can become mayor (hello, Adam West!), and the fate of the world is decided at “The Drunken Clam” bar to the accompaniment of draft beer.
The series has survived cancellation, made a triumphant return, and even got a feature film. It has evolved from simple family situations to sharp social satire, touching on politics, religion, pop culture, and everything else the writers can get their hands on. Most importantly, it has created a gallery of characters in whom each of us can recognize ourselves or our acquaintances.
Quiz Characters
Before diving into our quiz to find out which Family Guy character you most resemble, let’s get to know each character more closely. The Griffin family is a true gallery of human personalities, where each character embodies certain traits taken to the point of absurdity.
Peter Griffin
Peter Griffin is the kind of person who once traded his house for a mystery box because “it could be anything, even a boat!” An employee at the Pawtucket Brewery, a professional chaos creator, and possessor of enough ridiculous ideas to fill ten normal people’s lifetimes.
Behind Peter’s apparent simplicity and occasional outright stupidity lies an amazing ability to survive any situation. He’s fallen from skyscrapers, exploded, drowned, and even died several times – but always came back with a new crazy idea. His signature “heh-heh-heh” laugh has become as much of a cultural phenomenon as his legendary battles with the giant chicken.
But the most interesting thing about Peter is his relationship with his family. He can be a terrible father (especially to Meg), a questionable husband, and just an irresponsible person, but in rare moments of clarity, he shows remarkable wisdom and love for his family. Though these moments usually don’t last longer than 30 seconds before he returns to his usual state.
Lois Griffin
Lois is a classic example of how life can go off plan but still turn out amazing. The daughter of wealthy industrialist Carter Pewterschmidt, she could have lived a life of luxury and leisure. Instead, she chose life with Peter – a decision that probably makes her wake up in cold sweats at least once a week.
Over the years, Lois has revealed herself as a multifaceted character. She’s been a piano teacher, town mayor, adult film star (in her youth), boxer, and even a karate black belt. But her greatest achievement is maintaining her sanity in a house where common sense is as rare as silence at a rock concert.
Lois has her dark side: periodic bouts of kleptomania, gambling addiction, and the ability to swear so colorfully that even seasoned sailors blush. But it’s these flaws that make her real, showing that even the most “normal” family members have their own skeletons in the closet.
Stewie Griffin
Stewart Gilligan Griffin is the youngest and possibly most complex character in the series. A one-year-old with genius-level intellect, a British accent, and a world villain complex – he’s a character that could only exist in the Family Guy universe.
Stewie’s story is one of constant evolution. Starting as a classic villain obsessed with killing his mother and world domination, he gradually transformed into a more complex character exploring his sexuality, dealing with existential crises, and trying to find his place in the world. His relationship with Brian is one of the most interesting dynamics in the series, showing how two completely different beings can find common ground through intellectual conversations and shared adventures.
Stewie has an entire laboratory in his nursery where he creates everything from time machines to clones of himself. His inventions often become plot catalysts, and his sarcastic comments are true gems of the series.
Meg Griffin
Megan “Meg” Griffin is a character who has become a lightning rod for all jokes and bullying in the series. Her position in the family is so pitiful that even Peter once admitted: “Everyone hates Meg.” But behind this external unattractiveness lies one of the show’s most human characters.
Meg has been through a lot: from trying to become popular at school to battling depression and searching for her own identity. She’s written for the school newspaper, tried out for cheerleading, joined a cult, went to prison, and even dated Mayor Adam West for a while. Each of her failures reflects those moments of insecurity and despair familiar to every teenager.
Interestingly, in several episodes, Meg shows remarkable strength of character and even some psychopathic tendencies. For instance, when she’s unhesitatingly ready to commit murder to protect her family or when she shows unexpected wisdom in resolving family conflicts.
Brian Griffin
Brian is a talking dog with liberal views, a passion for martinis, and an eternal desire to be something more than just a house pet. He writes novels (that no one wants to publish), engages in political debates, and constantly tries to prove his intellectual superiority to everyone around him.
Behind the mask of a cynical intellectual lies a character with deep internal contradictions. Brian can spend hours discussing animal rights while sipping martinis in a bar that serves meat dishes. He criticizes religion but turns to God in critical moments. He condemns mass culture but can’t resist the latest trends.
His relationships with different family members show different facets of his personality: with Peter, he can be a loyal friend and drinking buddy; with Stewie, an intellectual sparring partner; with Lois, a secretly infatuated admirer; and with Meg, a rare voice of support.
How Does the Quiz Work?
Our quiz is a journey into the world of Family Guy through the lens of everyday situations. Each question is built on actual plotlines from the series but transferred into the context of ordinary life. For example, how would you react to an unexpected visit from a Russian clone of yourself? Or what would you do if your best friend started dating an inflatable version of you?
The questions touch on various aspects of personality: from attitudes toward family and friends to reactions to absurd situations. For instance, what would you choose: free pancakes for life or the ability to talk to animals? Your choice might tell more about you than you think.
During the quiz, you’ll encounter situations from different seasons of the show. You’ll have to decide how to handle temporary paralysis, sudden superpowers, or the need to save the world from a giant evil broccoli. And believe us, each of your answers brings you closer to one of the Griffin family members.
The quiz’s special feature is that it considers not just your direct answers but also hidden behavioral patterns. For example, if you consistently choose answers related to food and destruction – there’s a good chance you’re Peter. If your answers are full of sarcasm and references to classical literature – perhaps there’s an inner Brian living inside you.
Family Guy is a series that, over the years, has created a unique universe where absurdity coexists with deep social commentary, and caricatured characters turn out to be surprisingly close to reality. Each of the heroes, despite their cartoonish nature, carries a piece of human nature, with all its virtues and flaws.
Taking this quiz, you’re not just finding out which character you most resemble. You’ll be able to look at yourself from the outside, laugh at your quirks, and maybe better understand why sometimes your actions remind you of Peter’s antics or Stewie’s sarcastic comments.
After all, as the show demonstrates, it doesn’t matter how strange or unusual you are – somewhere out there is a whole family of similar oddballs who somehow manage not just to survive but to make life more interesting. And maybe, after learning that you have something in common with Lois or Chris, you’ll start treating your peculiarities with more warmth and humor.
So get ready for a journey through the world of Family Guy and remember: in this quiz, there are no right or wrong answers. There’s only your unique personality, which somehow finds its reflection in this crazy animated family from Quahog.
Questions Overview
- Get into crazy adventures with friends at The Drunken Clam
- Organize a family picnic in the park
- Come up with a clever plan to take over the town
- Visit the local art gallery
- Where's My Pants?
- Cooking Channel
- Discovery Channel
- A huge burger with extra bacon
- Salad and diet coke
- Kids' meal, but with adult demands
- Vegan burger
- Start an epic fight across town
- Try to resolve the conflict peacefully
- Use a clever weapon against it
- Write an article about giant chicken abuse
- Accept and cause fun chaos at city hall
- Try to actually help the town
- Use the position for evil schemes
- Fight corruption in the city
- The Drunken Clam
- Supermarket
- Toy store
- Bookstore
- Joe, Cleveland, and Quagmire
- Bonnie and other neighbors
- Rupert
- Jasper
- A monkey
- New clothes
- Science experiment kit
- Art book
- Try to become friends with him
- Ask about family members' health
- Negotiate your death date
- Discuss the philosophy of life and death
- Tell unfunny jokes and laugh at them
- Make sure everyone is having a good time
- Make sarcastic comments about everything
- Discuss politics in the corner
- Do something ridiculous
- Try to learn from the situation
- Use the moment for personal gain
- Comment on the irony of the moment
- Working at the Pawtucket Pat brewery
- Music teacher
- Weapons inventor
- Local newspaper journalist
- Join in immediately
- Try to talk him out of it
- Use the situation to your advantage
- Watch from the sidelines with a martini
- Invite him for beers
- Invite him to family dinner
- Study the talking bear phenomenon
- Discuss literature with him
- Throw a grand mollusk barbecue
- Organize resident evacuation
- Create a special anti-mollusk weapon
- Write a protest petition against mollusk extermination