Do I Have a Crush Quiz: Love or Illusion?

Since ancient times, humanity has tried to unravel the mysteries of love and infatuation. This enduring feeling has been extolled in poetry, depicted on canvases, and inspired great feats. Our quiz will help determine whether your infatuation is a fleeting crush or something deeper. Let’s delve into the history of this notion and untangle the intricacies of displaying infatuation.
What is a “Crush”?
The term “crush” has a rather curious origin. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it was first recorded in 1884 from student slang. Literally translated as “to crush, to overwhelm”, it reflects the overpowering force of intense romantic feelings.
In modern understanding, a crush is an excessive, often unrequited infatuation based on fantasies and idealization of a person. Unlike true love, it has a more superficial, sometimes fleeting nature focused mainly on outward attractiveness.
Types of Infatuation
Infatuation manifests itself in different ways – from a light fancy to all-consuming passion. Let’s look at the main types:
Platonic Infatuation
Stemming from the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who distinguished two types of love – “eros” (passionate) and “agape” (spiritual, selfless). Platonic infatuation falls into the second category and implies a deep soulful attachment without sexual desire. Often observed between very close people.
Passionate Infatuation
A searing, turbulent feeling dominated by physical sexual attraction. Usually accompanied by strong arousal and intrusive intimate fantasies. Such infatuation can be destructive, robbing one of common sense and self-control.
Spiritual Infatuation
Combines soulful and intellectual connection, commonality of views, values and interests. It is this kind of infatuation that often becomes a solid foundation for long and harmonious relationships.

Infatuation Across Cultures and Eras
Although infatuation is an integral human trait, its perception and social norms have varied greatly. In Ancient Greece, homoerotic relationships between men were common and encouraged. While in medieval Europe, the concept of courtly love emerged, with knights extolling unattainable women and serving them.
In some Eastern cultures, strictly arranged marriages by design were practiced, where romance played no role. But Europeans of the Romantic era deified feelings and passion. In modern society, perceptions of infatuation are largely shaped by pop culture – movies, TV shows, music, where it is often portrayed in an embellished way.
Signs of Infatuation
Surely we have all experienced some of its symptoms: butterflies in the stomach, loss of appetite or insomnia. Let’s look in more detail at the psychological and physiological manifestations of a crush:
Physical Signs
- Rapid heartbeat, blushing at the sight of the object of infatuation
- Dry mouth, sweaty palms
- Muscle tension
- Dizziness, trembling
- Sleep and concentration problems
Psychological Signs
- Constant thoughts, fantasies about the chosen one
- Idealized image, attribution of uncharacteristic qualities
- Need to constantly please, attract attention
- Jealousy, fear of rejection or loss
- Depression upon breakup
The more of these symptoms manifest, the stronger the infatuation. With prolonged influence, it can have negative physical consequences like weight loss or insomnia.

Difference Between Infatuation and Love
At first glance, they are easily confused, but there is a fundamental difference between them. Infatuation is an illusion, a state of altered consciousness based on physical attraction and idealization. True mature love is built on acceptance of a person as a whole, with all their virtues and flaws.
Mutual respect, trust, the desire for common growth and development – these are the hallmarks of a truly strong relationship. While infatuation is impulsive, selfish and disregards the interests of the partner. It resembles a drug intoxication, while love is a spiritual and emotional bond that requires great effort.
Infatuation is a wonderful state, full of vivid emotions and impressions. Having taken this test, you will be able to determine whether you are truly experiencing a strong feeling for a person or it is just a fleeting crush. But remember, do not confuse infatuation and love – the latter is much deeper and requires constant work on oneself and the relationship. Allow yourself to immerse in the depths of feeling, but maintain rationality and a sober view of things. And the experience gained will surely teach you to better understand human nature and your own emotions.
How to Play?
Click the "Start Quiz" button and answer each quiz question honestly. There are no right or wrong answers. You may encounter multiple-choice questions or statements to rate on a scale of agreement. Once you finish the quiz, you'll receive results that provide insight into your personality traits, including strengths and weaknesses. Use this information to increase self-awareness and make positive changes.
How many questions does this quiz have?
15 Questions
How long does it take to complete this quiz?
3 Minutes
Questions Overview
- You immediately notice their new hairstyle/clothes
- Your heart starts beating faster
- You want to approach and start talking right away
- You freeze and lose the ability to speak
- Something energetic and fun
- A romantic ballad
- A modern pop hit about love
- A melancholic indie composition
- A complex signature dish from a recipe
- Their favorite dish that you accidentally learned about
- Something simple but made with soul
- A dessert you made yourself
- Only when they appear in your feed
- A couple of times a day
- Turned on notifications for all their posts
- Sometimes browse through old publications
- A special feature that others might not notice
- Overall style and manner of holding themselves
- How their face changes when they smile
- Expressiveness of their gaze
- Reply when convenient
- Carefully think through every word
- Drop everything and write a response
- Read through several times before sending
- Something practical and useful
- An item related to shared memories
- A surprise showing they understand you
- A cute little thing
- Mention only funny incidents
- Talk about how special they are
- Often get confused and stumble over words
- Try to speak neutrally
- Active recreation and adventures
- A quiet day alone
- Show them your favorite places
- A spontaneous trip
- Mild curiosity
- An overwhelming desire to join
- Carefully observe their reactions
- Try not to pay attention
- About your sense of humor
- About how they value time with you
- About your uniqueness
- About your achievements
- Quickly forget the content
- Write down all the details in a diary
- Tell your friends
- Think about it all day
- How they laugh at jokes
- Their unique words and expressions
- Barely noticeable habits
- Their attitude towards other people
- Would add only a couple of songs
- Would compile an entire story in songs
- Would include all their favorite tracks
- Would choose popular romantic hits
- Continue the conversation as usual
- Freeze internally
- Immediately engage in the discussion
- Get slightly embarrassed
- A funny incident
- A moment of special understanding
- A random encounter
- A shared success or achievement
- Mentally note the coincidence
- Take a photo to show them
- Preserve the moment in memory
- Smile and move on